Proofreading by Proofed Beyond Doubt
Proofreading by Proofed Beyond Doubt

for all your proofreading needs

How we proofread Word documents

We carefully work our way through your document using the Track Changes function in Word to highlight all corrections and suggestions. This feature allows us to highlight amendments in red so that you can see them clearly.

When we have finished, we email you two copies of the completed document.

The first will be the final 'clean' version – or 'presentation copy' – which incorporates all the changes.

The second copy shows all the changes made to your original document in red text. Having reviewed our suggestions, you then right-click each amendment within Word to either accept or reject it, meaning that you retain full control over your content at all times.


If you would like to see a small example of a proofread Word document, please click the following links:

Before Proofreading

After Proofreading

Please note: You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these documents. If you don't already have Acrobat Reader, please download it free direct from Adobe:

Adobe Reader